Friday, November 15, 2019

Feeling Frantic Dont Make These Avoidable Job Search Mistakes

Feeling Frantic Don’t Make These Avoidable Job Search Mistakes Feeling Frantic Don’t Make These Avoidable Job Search Mistakes When you started your job search, you imagined it would take a few weeks, maybe even a couple of months to land a quality job. But for some strange reason, your job search has gone on way longer than expected- and you’ve got the eye twitch to prove it. So naturally it makes sense that you’re getting frustrated as your  fellow job-seeking friends have found employment and you’re still cranking out job applications. But these aren’t desperate times, and they definitely don’t call for desperate measures. If you’re feeling frantic about your job search, don’t make these avoidable job search mistakes. Check out these four avoidable job search mistakes: 1. You start applying for everything. You figure that you’ll up your odds of getting called in for a job interview (and get hired) if you increase the number of positions you apply for. So you start applying for everything- even jobs that you’re over- and under-qualified for- in the hopes of getting hired. Chances are that the job applications you’re hurriedly sending lack quality, customization, and passion, things that hiring managers look for when determining the job candidates they’d like to meet. You’ll actually have better luck if you send out less job applications, and instead focus on  tailoring  each one for each individual position  and conveying  your desire to work for the company. 2. You become aggressive in your job search. What, that employer didn’t get back to you after you submitted your job application? The nerve! So after waiting, oh, three days, you contact the company and demand to know why you didn’t hear back. Oh yes, job searching can bring out the beast in anyone, but you always want to maintain a professional and polished attitude when communicating with any company. Wait at least one week to contact a company after submitting an application, and make sure that you’re pleasant and upbeat when doing so. 3. You redesign everything. You haven’t heard back from any employers, and, well, you’re worried. You figure that there must be something wrong with your resume and cover letter, so you set out to edit them all. Sure, it can be irritating when employers dont respond to job applications, but the thing is, there might not be anything wrong with it. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to have someone (such as a friend or fellow colleague) take a look at your job application to see if they spot any glaring errors or inconsistencies. Sometimes, unfortunately, it just takes longer to find a flexible job that fits your professional and  personal needs- and you just have to hang in there. Which leads to… 4. You just give up. Maybe you’re just not qualified. Or maybe that employment gap  you tried oh-so-hard to hide is glaringly obvious to potential employers. Either way, you’re just so frustrated that you figure a flexible job is not meant for your future and you throw in the proverbial towel. But you can’t give up. There are a variety of factors that can contribute to your job search being sluggish. Instead of getting upset, use the time to make your job search work for you. Try attending some webinars or go back to school for a new certification if you discover that you’ll need it while perusing job postings. Stay social by connecting with friends and family so you don’t find yourself in a job search bubble. And remember, your job search will culminate in getting hired for a flexible job! It’s easy to feel frustrated when you have been searching for a while and haven’t gotten any job offers. But stay away from these avoidable job search mistakes, and you’ll have a happier and more productive job search! Readers, have you gotten frustrated during your job search? How have you handled it and job search mistakes? Let us know in the comments below!

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